Music therapy or music lessons?
You might want to consider a couple of things when deciding if you should seek out music therapy or music lessons.

If music therapy appeals to you as a way of addressing anxiety or depression or other emotional challenges, check it out. If you are working with a physical or speech therapist, you might consider a music therapist to augment these therapies. If you have physical limitations, you might want to consider a music therapist because they can make adaptations. A music therapist can make playing the drums or guitar easier by adapting the instrument or simplifying the music.
But if you just enjoy the satisfaction of learning to play an instrument, you might be happy with music lessons or community education programs. Your school district or community education may offer group music lessons or choirs. Local music stores may have teachers. You may also have the opportunity to join a choir through a church or school.
In most places, it will likely be easier to find a guitar or piano teacher than a music therapist, but there are resources to help you find therapists (see How to find a music therapist). Music therapists are also generally more expensive then music teachers, but you might be able to get grant funding for a therapist.