If you have ever experienced pain before you likely know that it is an overwhelming experience that impacts your body, mind, and spirit.

If you have ever experienced pain before you know that it can be overwhelming and it impacts more than just your physical body. Pain makes it hard to get up and get moving. It makes it hard to maintain relations and your community activities. It is also very hard to watch your loved ones when they are in pain.
There are many different types of pain depending on what is causing the pain. Sometimes the pain is sharp but other times it can feel like a deep ache that never goes away. Pain can also last for different lengths of time, sometimes it may go away right away while other times it lasts for weeks or months.
Integrative therapies have been found to help treat both short-term and long-term pain. They also help manage the mental and emotional effects that further complicate the pain experience.
Explore this section to learn more about the different types of pain, how to talk about pain, and how to use integrative therapies to help manage your pain.