Create a "To Be" List Instead of New Year's resolutions

Flip the Script in the New Year: Write a "To-Be" List Instead of a "To-Do" List
The holidays are here, and your to-do list probably looks like a tangled string of lights—never-ending and kind of stressful.
But what if you hit pause on all the doing and focused on who you want to be instead? Enter the To-Be List: a way to shift your focus from "Get things done!" to "Be the person I want to be."
Here’s how it works: think about how you want to show up this holiday season. Do you want to be calm instead of frazzled? Generous instead of grumpy? Present instead of scrolling Instagram under the table during dinner? Write those words down. Keep them where you can see them—taped to your fridge, stuck to your mirror, or even as your phone wallpaper.
The magic of a To-Be List is that it grounds you in the moment and reminds you what really matters. Because let’s face it, no one’s going to remember if you forgot to get a gift for the dogs, but they will remember if you were warm, kind, and fully there.
So go ahead, make the list. Be the light, the calm, the joy. And hey, if you forget a few to-dos? That’s what store-bought cookies are for.
Page photo by Ono Kosuki:…