Incorporate mind-body practices into your life
Mind-body practices have the greatest impact when practiced routinely so you re-train your brain. This can increase your capacity to deal with stressful events and enhance your overall wellbeing.

When you practice mind-body skills routinely, you support ongoing symptom management and promote general wellbeing. When you incorporate these practices into daily routines, you build the ability to engage the relaxation response more readily in times of overstimulation and crisis. The body and mind learn to function in a calmer state.
You can use all of the mind-body practices discussed on this site for ongoing self-care and wellbeing.
Are you anxious about scans or a procedure? Maybe you are seeing your friends after being in the hospital for a long time. Both of these situations can make you feel anxious, restless, and nervous. Mind-body practices can decrease those anxious feelings and help you feel calmer and more able to manage the situation.
Just-in-time interventions include: