Sources for Guided Meditation
Click here for some guided meditations we created as part of our Coursera offering, Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare. These guided meditations are appropriate for beginners. (Please consider taking the course if you are interested in furthering your knowledge on this topic.)
Try an online course
The same people who created this website at the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing have also created a 6-week online mindfulness course. It's called Mindfulness at Work, but it is really relevant to all parts of your life.
We also offer weekly "live" via Zoom Mindful Monday sessions for free.
Additional Resources
For more options, check out meditations by:
Diana Winston, Director of Mindfulness Education at the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA UCLA Mindful Meditations
The Search Inside Yourself Institute, which emerged from an attention-training program developed at Google: Search Inside Yourself Institute Guided Meditations
Tara Brach, a psychologist and Buddhist teacher, offers a page on her website with guided meditations for beginners: Tara Brach Guided Meditations for Beginners
The Center for Healthy Minds at UW-Madison offers this 5-minute guided meditation: The Center for Healthy Minds Guided Meditation
Learn More with Coursera

Mindfulness in Integrative Healthcare
By the end of this course, you will be able to assess when mindfulness may be helpful and how to use it. You will explore what mindfulness is (and is not) through presentations and direct experience. You will also learn about the research supporting the benefits (and risks) of mindfulness.

Guided Imagery
In this course, you will learn how to use imagery to enhance overall health and wellbeing (including symptom management). By the end of the course, you will experience a variety of imagery interventions, learn how to assess if guided imagery is appropriate in specific situations, and will be comfortable writing and delivering guided imagery.

Herbal Medicine
This course will give you the knowledge of how and when to use botanical medicine. You might be surprised to learn that you may already be using herbal medicines. Taking this course will provide you with the background to safely and effectively incorporate herbal medicines into your personal life and/or work.