Where Can I Find A Qualified TCM Practitioner?

The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) website has a national directory of all acupuncturists and TCM practitioners that hold NCCAOM certification. Since NCCAOM certification is a prerequisite for licensure in most states, this is a reliable and reputable source of information about practitioners who have met established standards of competency.

What are some other sources?

  1. Professional associations

    Most states that license acupuncturists and Oriental medical practitioners have professional associations that provide public education and outreach. These associations usually host websites providing a listing of local practitioners as well as information about educational opportunities and community events.

  2. Local schools

    Schools of Oriental medicine usually maintain listings of alumni, providing another source for referrals. They also usually offer student and faculty clinics that are open to the public and provide quality Oriental medical services at very reasonable fees.

  3. Wider community

    Other sources include the local yellow pages (listed under the category of "acupuncture," rather than "TCM"), health food stores and natural food cooperatives, local health clubs and spas. And keep an eye open for local alternative health publications. Aside from the interesting articles, you will often find a number of advertisements for local complementary practitioners.

Of course, the best advertising for a practitioner comes from happy and satisfied patients, so note who your patients are seeing and the results they are getting.