COVID-19 and Anxiety

Strategies for Coping with COVID Anxiety
If you are experiencing heightened anxiety or worry about the pandemic, you’re not alone - and there are steps you can take to start feeling better.
Reduce your stress
It can be beneficial to spend time everyday doing some stress-reducing activity that enhances wellbeing, such as exercising, walking in nature, napping, cooking and eating healthy meals, connecting with friends, or doing spiritual practices.
Relaxation techniques are also a good way to cultivate a sense of peace in a world that feels chaotic.
An exercise that can be done anytime you feel yourself spinning out is S.T.O.P.:
- Slow down
- Take a deep breath (with a slightly longer exhale)
- Observe the sensations in your body, without thinking they are right or wrong
- Process possibilities for action, and proceed
Learn more about mindfulnessThis technique can help you recognize what is causing your stress and pause before reacting. For example, if you are reading a news story about new cases of COVID-19 in your area, you may begin to panic about whether it’s safe to go to the grocery store anymore, and then worry that you won’t have enough food for your family.
But if you set down the newspaper, take a deep breath and connect to the feelings in your body - such as tension in your shoulders, or prickly heat on your skin - you create space for a healthier response. You may notice your fear and respond to it with tender self-compassion, rather than panic. From this calmer perspective, you might see there is no reason to panic. Wearing a mask and practicing social distancing will keep you safe during your errands; and even if you were unable to visit the store, you could find an alternative solution, such as having your groceries delivered.
Ask yourself
Another technique for moments of anxiety is to ask yourself these important questions:
- Is there an immediate threat? If so, what can I do right now to remove myself from danger?
- Am I simply feeling anxiety about what might happen? Knowing that worrying will not help, what can I do to calm down and take care of myself in this moment?
Meeting your anxiety with a nonjudgmental, friendly attitude - like you would address a good friend - can help you see more clearly the best way to proceed.