Peng Her

Instructor & Healer of Qigong

Peng Her was introduced to qigong and meditation at age thirteen when he began learning martial arts. His uncles were his primary instructors, from whom he learned a combined system of Chinese- and Japanese-influenced fighting and breathing. With the progression of his physical and martial skilal he was instructed to focus on meditation and qigong. Where his earlier qigong techniques were geared for more martial purposes he now currently practices techniques which are geared for self-healing and cultivating healer's energy.

Peng Her has over 15 years of qigong experience. He received a large portion of his qigong healing instruction under Arnold E. Tayam: Doctor of Medical Qigong (China), in InfiniChi. He attended the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, where he received his bachelor's degree in Communication and Political Science in 2004. After discovering that he could use qigong for healing, he ventured into Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her attended Yo San University from 2004-2006 and then continued his studies at the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM) in Roseville, Minnesota. There, he is currently pursuing a master's degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, while also frequently lecturing and demonstrating his ability to heal with qigong.