Manage Insomnia Naturally

Expert reviewed on
January 02, 2024
tired woman face down on a couch

If you toss and turn throughout the night, unable to find decent rest, you’re not alone. Recent surveys indicate that 30% of adults experience short-term insomnia and about 10% experience long-lasting insomnia in a given year, making it the most common sleep problem in the United States. Its most common symptoms are the inability to fall asleep at bedtime or stay asleep during the night, causing drowsiness and fatigue the following day.

Insomnia, the struggle to fall or stay asleep, can take different forms and last for varying lengths of time. Short-term insomnia, called acute insomnia, usually lasts a few days and is often caused by stress, anxiety, or disruptions in your daily routine, like travel or work schedule changes. Concerningly, an acute problem can become chronic insomnia, a long-lasting difficulty falling asleep that can last for months or years. Underlying medical conditions like cancer, common medications such as those we take for high blood pressure, substances like alcohol, or mental illness can increase our risk for chronic insomnia.

While acute insomnia may improve on its own as the underlying stress goes away, chronic insomnia often requires professional help and treatment to manage the root causes and get better sleep.