How to Use Guided Imagery

Nearly anyone can do guided imagery on their own. To help you get started, there are many recordings done by experts who guide you through a session. We have a great selection of these in our suggested resources list, but you can also seek out others. 



Things to ask when looking for a recording

Here are a few things to keep in mind when searching for guided imagery scripts. If you want to learn more about how to find, evaluate, and even write your own scripts please enroll in Guided Imagery on Coursera.

  • Does it match your goal? (ie do you want help with pain or do you want to lose weight?)
  • Is it the right length? (There is no point in buying an hour-long recording if you don't have that much time.)
  • Is the voice pleasant to listen to (and do you have a preference for the gender)?
  • Would you enjoy music or nature sounds, neither, both?


Cautions or Considerations?


Guided imagery is generally very safe. However, individuals with a history of psychosis or any other mental illness that prevents them from differentiating reality from imagination should not use guided imagery. In addition, those who have experienced trauma should only use guided imagery with a skilled licensed therapist. Please note that guided imagery should never be used in place of necessary medical care. These small cautions aside, guided imagery has great potential to help.


Is this the right recording for me?

  • Does the topic match your goal?
  • Is it the right length for you?
  • Is the voice and personality pleasant to listen to?
  • Do you want to listen to music or nature sounds?