How Do I Find a Qualified Aromatherapist?

As with any other kind of service provider, the best way to find a good aromatherapist is through referrals from your healthcare providers, family, colleagues, and friends.

When choosing a practitioner, it is important to consider their education and training, experience, and philosophy of care. Lists of aromatherapists are also available online (see the Aromatherapy Registration Council).

Ultimately, you need to choose someone you trust and feel safe with, who feels "right" to you.

How do I work with an aromatherapist?

healthcare provider in white coat listening to patient and taking notesWorking with an aromatherapist is similar to working with other healthcare providers. The more information the aromatherapist has about your health, the better he or she can treat you. A brief health history should be included in the first visit, covering basic information about allergies, chronic and acute health conditions, and any pertinent environmental factors.

You should be informed of your rights and responsibilities as a client, according to the law. In Minnesota, aromatherapy practice must adhere to the statute governing complementary therapies.

Treatment with essential oils can be brief or lengthy, depending on the condition being treated and your response. It is important for consumers to pay attention to their bodies and obtain follow-up as treatment progresses.

If you think you may be experiencing an adverse effect, stop using the essential oil(s) and consult the aromatherapist. If you are treating a serious condition, it is important that your other healthcare providers are aware of complementary and alternative therapies you are using, including essential oils. Ideally, there would be consultation between providers, but if this is not possible you as the consumer may need to pass information.