Healing Environment

Healing Environment Resources
The American Society of Interior Designers
The Therapeutic Landscapes Network is a knowledge base and gathering space about healing gardens, restorative landscapes, and other green spaces that promote health and well-being.
Malkin, Jain. Read various articles about evidence-based healthcare design at: http://jainmalkin.com
Gerecht, Hope (1999). Healing Design: Practical Feng Shui for Healthy and Gracious Living. Boston, MA: Journey Editions.
Huelat, Barbara (2003). Healing Environments: Design For the Body, Mind & Spirit. Alexandria and Arlington, VA: Medezyn and Peecapress.
Huelat, Barbara (2007). Healing Environments: What's the Proof? Alexandria and Arlington, VA: Medezyn and Peecapress.
Hyder, C. (1998). Wind and Water: Your Personal Feng Shei Journey. Berkeley, CA: The Crossing Press
Marcus, C., and Barnes, M. (1999). Healing Gardens. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
Marberry, S. (Ed) (2006). Improving Healthcare with Better Building Design. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Pert, C. (1997). Molecules of Emotion. New York: Scribner.
Ulrich, R., Zimming, C. (2004). The Role of the Physical Environment in the 21st Century Hospital: A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity. Report to the Center for Health Design. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.