Are There Design Rules to Follow?

collage of interior healing environment photos shows that the physical environment can contribute to better health outcomes. But what particular design features do this? Are there specific rules to follow? For example, are there certain colors that work best or specific materials to use?

Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast guidelines on what to do in all cases, because so much depends on the situation: what the site is like, personal preferences, the budget, the cultural context, and many other factors. 

Architecture, interior design, and landscape architecture are problem-solving processes that begin by listening and understanding the needs and preferences of those who will use the space. Often there are competing priorities that need to be considered (for example, the need for staff to have bright lighting to see what they are doing versus the desire of patients to have softer lighting). Thus, the design proposal often provides a range of options to consider.

What else impacts design?

Designers apply research or guidelines from various areas in their designs.